Wednesday 27 October 2010


Dog as metaphor: Alec Soth uses dogs as a metaphor for loneliness and abandonment.

In conversation with Carrie Thompson, he talks about the dogs in the book Dog Days, Bogotá:

Carrie Thompson: Tell me about the dogs, how did they become so important?

Alec Soth: I was aware of the street kids in Bogotá. I mean, it is a hard thing to ignore, but I was especially attuned to it because of the adoption experience. But I was uncomfortable photographing these kids. So I photographed street-dogs instead. I guess they were a stand-in for the kids.

More, here.

Some more images taken from the project/book Dog Days, Bogotá:

Alec Soth tells us why a picture of two dogs taken by his daughter is one of his favourite shots from his Brighton Picture Hunt show at Brighton Museum and Art Gallery:

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